Customer Relationship ManagementRefers to Practices, Strategies and Technologies that Companies use to Manage

CRM By Aabasoft

What is CRM Solution

In CRM (customer relationship management), CRM software is a category of software that covers a broad set of applications and software designed to help businesses manage customer data and customer interaction, access business information, automate sales, marketing and customer support and also manage employee, vendor and partner relationships. Typically, CRM software is used in the enterprise, however many products scale to a business of any size.

core features

Aabasoft's CRM

Our CRM product is strictly based on the industrial standards.


CRM software

"CRM software is designed to help businesses meet the overall goals of customer relationship management .Today's CRM software is highly scalable and customizable, allowing businesses to gain actionable customer insights with a back-end analytical engine, view business opportunities with predictive analytics, streamline operations and personalize customer service based on the customer's known history and prior interactions with your business. CRM software is commonly used to manage a business-customer relationship, however CRM software systems are also used in the same way to manage business contacts, clients, contract wins and sales leads."

The ultimate aim of the product is to increase the profit from the business. An effective CRM can cause reduction to the staff stress and mistakes. A good CRM helps to grow business. Proper tracking of customers can be done. Customers remain for longer time if using an efficient CRM. The authority can analyze and monitor the performance of employees under them. Data storage and retrieving is easier and will have each reports and data details which can be accessed at any time. The CRM project is to do the customer relationship process of an office. Customer relationship module is one of the newest innovations in today’s world. A lot of data about a customer is gathered. A lot of reports on various aspects can be generated and analyzed. CRM consists of an alignment and a strategy to manage and handle the customer. It has facilities to enter the status and other data of a customer. The sheet with customer data to do the calls can be uploaded to the system and the callers can make the call easily and input the data.

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