The Indian Movie rating is an entertainment website which basically focus on Kollywood, Mollywood, Tollywood and Bollywood movies and its related information. The reviews on each movies can be viewed and users get instant updates on each films.A complete website for Indian Movies.Our mission is to help users make a well-versed judgment about how to spend their time and money on entertainment.Explore the Indian Movies at IMR.
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Indian Movie Rating is provided by Aabasoft. Get the latest movie reviews of new and recent movies in theaters of Bollywood, Hollywood, Kollywood and Tollywood. Also provide various facility like submit their vote, Can view the profile details of backend team, Cast & crew, Some Snapshots, Video & Trailers, and can view the review. The reviews on each movie can be viewed and users get instant updates on each film. This site helps the people to get a general awareness of new release film. In addition to film we get videos, which is a plus point for our site.
Also Indian movie rating collects reviews from leading critics and aggregates them into the most accurate conclusion about a movie. Our mission is to let viewers spent their money and time after making a well-versed judgment on the aspect they are going to use them. We trust that various opinions are better than one and therefore we have introduced the voting system of movies. The viewers can post their votes for each movie.