The location data bank

One click and your locations are marked. You would love the simplicity!

Visit GeoMark Website
User Invites

A business owner can invite new users or the existing users to his business with ease.

Categorize your locations

Mark your favorite locations into different categories like places, restaurants etc.

Share Favourite Locations

Share your favorite locations easily to all social media platforms on a single click.

Switch accounts

Hassle free account switching from your business account to personal account.

No need to remember your favourite spots. Just mark it once.

Geomark will help you mark your favorite places on the go and navigate your way to any places you have been, or want to go to. You can easily get the directions to your favourite spots in the future effortlessly using Geomark.

Make your life simple with Modern Apps by Aabasoft

Discover your favorite locations using Geomark, the location data bank. Geomark also comes with personalized location marking. Mark and share your favourite spots easily with the users in your business.

Discover new ideas & friends!
Get our app today!

Share this amazing app with your friends and create your own network with your favourite spots using Geomark.

An easy and user friendly application which will be loved by the travellers.

Geomark is the fastest and easiest way to mark your location and share it with your friends/colleagues. A compelling application with an interface that focuses on usability. Easily keep track of the places that matter to you.

This platform enables you to view and navigate to marked locations in a click. These marked locations can be easily shared using Whatsapp and GeoMark app. Descriptions and photos can also be added to a saved location on GeoMark. You don’t have to remember your favorite spots anymore. Just mark it once and find it right there. GeoMark can be used for finding your way to any point you have been, or want to go to. You can also mark favorite places so you can easily get the directions back to that place in the future. Just use your creativity to use this awesome app.

Mark your favorite picnic spots, discover new locations and share it..

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